Our story begins on March 15, 2022, we began with the making of the equipment for our micro-enterprise, it was not a difficult decision, most of us chose people from our social circle, they will work Or not, most of the teams were formed by friends… (Serious mistake) we started on the 15th with our first identity card, the first week we all, or at least most of us “worked” very well… in reality there were few teams that really worked In short, the problems began when they felt the pressure of the teacher, since he threatened not to sign the overdue certificates, then most of the teams came into conflict since as such they had not worked correctly, that is where the conflicts began between the majority of the teams, as I already mentioned, were made up mostly of friends, friends who really aren't that good at working, so the first problems that began to arise were conflicts between the teams, since there were elements that did not work, they did not continue to make fools of themselves, and the work was only assigned to one element or 2 even if it went well...
Among all the teams, there were at most 2 that really had no problems, among them mine, and Samantha's, this is because even though most of the cards were made for one element, if you needed help in something, the rest of the team did not hesitate to help, in my case, one of the members was missing, he had to go on "Vacations" therefore we were 2 in charge, the truth is we never had problems, because if he occupied something , I did it, or if I occupied something he did it...
The more time passed, the more problems, tasks, and concerns increased among all the colleagues, this caused more conflicts between the teams, the closer the date of the sale, the greater the stress. For many, the 2nd partial was the most complicated partial, due to the load of work that came upon us...
A day before we started with the work of making our products, (another serious SERIOUS mistake) since at least in our case, we had time on us, we ran out of gas, we ran out of energy, even the desire to talk, we began to make the dough, for our product, and everything was fine, but when we wanted to put the dough in the oven... they were not done, there were errors in the preparation of the dough and they were not done correctly, worry and sleep every time they were older, but mom Yuli (Berna's mom) came to the rescue, she helped us, we did what we could, and we went to sleep, the next day with only 3 hours of sleep we had the sale, and there were too many mistakes , but “we got over them”…
It was too sad to return to the classroom, and discover that we all left the work at the end, and we were completely devastated, in class there was no one paying attention, most of us were exhausted, and to finish it, we knew that it was not over yet, yet we had more work to do, but with the teaching obtained, most of us have been improving, managing to perfect recipes, tasks, and plans for work, each fall and each mistake is a lesson if you decide not to let yourself fall, for the moment we continue working, learning, and teaching us to improve more and more every day...